August 11, 2008

Another Reason Why I Love My Husband

My hubby had been gone all of last week, traveling to California for work related schooling. While Orange County sans children sounded like heaven on earth, he really DID NOT want to go. By himself. Without his family. But, the European trip is still largely looming on our credit cards along with two more grad school classes (come on student loans and kick in already) and it really was beyond not practical and fit squarely in the "Dumb Ass Idea" category.

So, off he went begrudgingly and sad to be without us. We have been married for 12 years, together since 1991. My husband doesn't KNOW how to, nor LIKE to, be alone. And, I get that. His absence from our house was unmistakable and though his 3:00AM calls to let me know he had indeed arrived safely back to his hotel were annoying, I missed him like crazy.

Saturday night LATE, me and the kids drove like the devil to pick him up from the airport and take him home where he rightfully belonged. He was glad to see us and the kids mobbed him and all his precious time for the next day. And left me alone thankyouverymuch!

Miss Thing had made him a surprise that hung on the door into the house. She had photoshopped a picture of my husband (his head really) onto another body and set it next to a picture of the Jonas Brothers. (You can do this on their website) And then wrote in magic marker - "Look it's the Jonas Brothers" And then had an arrow pointing to DH with "He's my favorite!" It was freaking hilarious and DH laughed out loud when we made him get out of the car and go look before we even pulled into the garage.

He brought the kids nice stuff from Cali, he always does. Some shirts and pins from Disney. He usually finds me a mug or a magnet, or sometimes a tee.

But, this trip, he brought me these...

A Fossil t-shirt...

And a Department 56 plaque....

Funny thing is, he doesn't know brands AT ALL. He didn't pick them because he thought I would like something from THAT store. He bought them because they were me, and he knew I would like them. He knows me. He gets me. I had know it for awhile - but, it was the first time I actually felt it. He's the best. And I love him to California and back. But, he doesn't get to leave again for awhile!


At 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, ain't that sweet. I know that feeling when hubs comes home from a biz trip. It's as though you're seeing him for the first time all over again.

And gifts are like the sprinkles on a donut. Bonus!

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:05 PM, Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

Aww... that's nice.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger CrookedPigtails said...

Nothing better than being with the one who gets you!

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you ever find that the household runs more smoothly when he's gone? Not in a bad way, but in the I'm-the-only-one-here-so-I'm-in-the-zone-way."


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