Going To See The Band I Love On Friday
Motley Freaking Crue!

I canNOT wait!
Sorry to have dropped off the face of the earth lately, I honestly haven't had much to write about. Work has been steady, though not as busy as I would have liked. Though I am super psyched about a project I worked on and I can't wait to see it out in the world. I was able to design the actual razors and new packaging AND the PDQ they sit in. AWESOME. And I LOVE how they came out.
Teaching this semester, is like a GroundHog Day of last semester as it is the same group of kids. There are no stand outs, no one student with ambition, drive or passion. Teaching in a room full of graphic design students with no passion is like being at the All You Can Eat buffet with a bunch of anorexics. Not Much Fun. I can't help but think that the system failed these kids by telling them all how awesome they ALL are and that no one is better or worse than another. Hey, EVERYONE get a trophy! It breeds this mediocrity that they never strive to be the best, to kick ass, to design for the LOVE of designing. Sad.
Grad school continues on with the wrapping up of a Studio class where I have created the majority of the visual portion of my thesis. It has been great and I can hardly believe that I have exactly 4 classes left. Two classes that start in April and 2 in July. I'll be DONE by September 26th according to my student loans. These next few months are going to be killer stressful. Like yesterday when I thought I missed my Thesis Committee Conference Call and when into a full blown panic attack complete with uncontrolled shaking until I realized it was in a half hour. Yeah, good times.
Lil Man will be making his First Communion soon and I have already gotten the ball rolling on the invitations and party plans. Getting him into the suit and tie is an entirely different saga. Considering his daily wardrobe consists of KISS t-shirts and work-out pants, it ought to be interesting as I threaten his life in the changing rooms.
Well, I'm off.
I do have a favor to ask. I am collecting research for my thesis and have created a survey called "How Green Is Your Design" Currently I am trying to gather email addresses to send the survey to. If you are an artist/designer/creative director/printer and want to participate, please send your email address to me and I'll add you to the list. Don't worry, I will delete the comment here afterwards. THANKS!